Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hello Seattle.

Owl City's album is really quite good. The correct blend of electronic, dance and melodies (with nice layering) for me. It really perks me up just listening to the tracks. Especially "Hello Seattle". Not the track with the lyrics but the instrumental one.

I think after 1 month of medicine, I'm kinda almost settling in. Almost. At least I'm not jaded as yet. Strangely, thinking through medical issues and considering the pros and cons is somewhat interesting. For me at least. That's why I like weekend rounds. I can round by myself (slowly I know, covering only a few before the registrar comes) and think through the issues and come up with a plan.

With those moments alone, there's no one there to judge you for thinking slowly and to pressure you. Makes my day when some of the decisions I make (put a KIV there cos humji) are actually right and I can happily cancel the KIV part. (:

Wish I had more study time to myself. I have almost zero motivation outside work hours. Haha (:

Ok. Enough about work. Just come home quickly.